One article = The Title
This concept must be understood really really, we should be able to determine the Main Title is usually sought by Internet users. After the main keyword can, adjust to the article / news that we will make and focus on the preparation of article / news, on that keyword. Try not to stray far.
Title MUST exist in the TITLE
This provision, non-negotiable, if we wanted to Articles / News can be easily indexed. The simple logic, if people are looking for something with a particular keyword, but Title Article / News we do not contain the word, it will be very difficult to be found. Thus, point 1 says we also have to focus on one main keyword.
Keyword in Paragraphs First and Last
In general Search Engine displays the first paragraph as the intro of the link Articles / News we will show. Surely this will further strengthen the position of Articles / News, where there is the main keyword at the beginning and end of a paragraph, with the aim to strengthen the existence of Articles / News of our current BOT Search Engine indexing Articles / News us.
Keyword Density try about 3% s / d 5%
Keyword Density herein, may be meant with the content keyword in the article / news that we will index. For example, our main keyword "Tlempo" then try "TLEMPO" appears in Articles / News is about 3% s / d 5% that strengthens the position of Articles / News us.
To check on Keyword Density, we can use the CLICK HERE-FREE KEYWORD DENSITY TOOLS .
Enter the URL we
Of course, with the inclusion of Articles / News us on Google News, we aim to get BackLink FREE from PR9 Websites with ease. With some creativity, try to get the reader to visit our URL at the time they read the article / news us on Google News.
Create Account Open - And Publisher Login and Publish Articles / News us.
Inside PR is a subscription of Google to index your article / news we Publish. Register and Publish Articles / News us.
PR USA in addition to being a reference also to Google News, they are also often in the index by some other website. And this is certainly very beneficial to us.
PR Fire WARRANT Articles / News we will be indexed directly on Goolge News
Search Terms:
- Google News is one of the places to publish articles / news that we have. And of course, with the popularity of Google's global, it will be easier to spread over the internet.
- With rapid Articles / News we are indexed in google, then it can be utilized easily by putting a link of our website, so of course our website link will be seen by millions of people who visit Google News and read the article / news us. And do not forget, not only Google Bot, Yahoo Bot, but Search Engine Bots from others will come to index the article / news we have indexed in Google News automatically. So true prep materials Articles / News and our website with a very good condition, so it was worth it has entered into Google News.
- Just information, Google has PR9, of course, very interesting to ya ... So many hundreds, even thousands of websites that capitalize RSS FEED of Google News for inclusion in their website. And this of course will be automatically Articles / News we will we also integrated with the RSS FEED from Google itself and into the websites utilize RSS FEED Google.
- If the article / news we get into Google News, of course, with the right keywords, it can be VERY sure, will come THOUSANDS of backlinks that will boost our SERP.
One article = The Title
This concept must be understood really really, we should be able to determine the Main Title is usually sought by Internet users. After the main keyword can, adjust to the article / news that we will make and focus on the preparation of article / news, on that keyword. Try not to stray far.
Title MUST exist in the TITLE
This provision, non-negotiable, if we wanted to Articles / News can be easily indexed. The simple logic, if people are looking for something with a particular keyword, but Title Article / News we do not contain the word, it will be very difficult to be found. Thus, point 1 says we also have to focus on one main keyword.
Keyword in Paragraphs First and Last
In general Search Engine displays the first paragraph as the intro of the link Articles / News we will show. Surely this will further strengthen the position of Articles / News, where there is the main keyword at the beginning and end of a paragraph, with the aim to strengthen the existence of Articles / News of our current BOT Search Engine indexing Articles / News us.
Keyword Density try about 3% s / d 5%
Keyword Density herein, may be meant with the content keyword in the article / news that we will index. For example, our main keyword "Tlempo" then try "TLEMPO" appears in Articles / News is about 3% s / d 5% that strengthens the position of Articles / News us.
To check on Keyword Density, we can use the CLICK HERE-FREE KEYWORD DENSITY TOOLS .
Enter the URL we
Of course, with the inclusion of Articles / News us on Google News, we aim to get BackLink FREE from PR9 Websites with ease. With some creativity, try to get the reader to visit our URL at the time they read the article / news us on Google News.
Create Account Open - And Publisher Login and Publish Articles / News us.
Inside PR is a subscription of Google to index your article / news we Publish. Register and Publish Articles / News us.
PR USA in addition to being a reference also to Google News, they are also often in the index by some other website. And this is certainly very beneficial to us.
PR Fire WARRANT Articles / News we will be indexed directly on Goolge News
Search Terms:
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- google backlink
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- google backlink checker
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